Databank of the Center for Economic and Regional Studies – Hungarian Academy of Sciences
In its core activities, the KRTK Databank acquires and brings themost important population and enterprise data collections to a state suitable for scientific research, builds large-scale longitudinal database using administrative registers, develops and manages the KSH-KRTK Research Room, operates the Data Room and Experimental Lab, provides methodological support to researchers, and supports university education through internship programmes, trainings and bilateral agreements. It has a specialised sub-unit in the area of Bigdata. Its aim is to create a data platform that enables a wide range of economic and sociological research to be analysed in line with international standards. The Databank has been awarded the title of “TOP 50 Research Infrastructure” in 2021 and is a member of the Global Labour Network.
Currently, 408 researchers have server-access, and since 2013 we have managed 1700 data requests. Since 2018, 17 040 appointments havebeen registered in the Research Room, with 188 researchers currently working on 70 international and national projects.
Building on our data, 774 publications, 136 BA, MA and Ph.D. dissertations, and numerous policy-impact assessments have been produced on national and international grounds, including in programmes such as ERC, H2020, Lendület Programme („Momentum” Programme), the Cooperation Programme for Excellence and OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund).
In addition to the most important research centres and higher education institutions in Hungary, researchers from several foreign universities (e.g. Harvard, Princeton, Chicago, Duke, Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Sorbonne, Beijing Normal) have participated in researches made possible by the KRTK Databank.
The data and the services related to their use are free of charge for the researchers, except for the Experimental Lab, whose infrastructure is partially planned to be provided for a fee for researches not affiliated to the KRTK. In all cases, access to data are governed by contracts concluded with the primary data hosts.